O Parque Nacional do Zinave, no distrito de Mabote, em Inhambane, recebeu 37 elefantes que se juntam a outros 200, residentes no parque. Os elefantes atraem turistas, mas também furtivos e, por isso, o controlo precisa de ser reforçado.
Leões regressam ao Parque Nacional de Zinave
A lion has been spotted in the Zinave National Park, in the southern Mozambican province of Inhambane, for the first time in several decades, according to a press release from the South African-based Peace Parks Foundation. The Peace Parks...
Hienas voltam ao Parque Nacional do Zinave
We are happy to report that our hyenas arrived safely in Zinave National Park a few days ago, peacefully sleeping through the duration of their flight. The next morning they devoured a full carcass - a sign that they are doing well.The two...