Look and listen to
Live birds in their
natural habitat
Along the miombo and mopane forest, birds of various species will show their colours. Over and above the Save river and Lagoa Zinave, pans such as Chigangagive, Nhaute and Tinguluveni are important and interesting birding hotspots centres.
When the rains come and streams fill up the dry pans, the land literally bursts into life. The crystal-clear water in the pans teems with fish. Dragonflies, butterflies, reed frogs and other wildlife emerge. This attracts migrating birds and animals to the water and turns this dry land into a seasonal vibrant landscape.
The Park registered as a Vulture Safe Zone, recognising its progress to reinstate the Parks functional eco system.
When the rains come and streams fill up the dry pans, the land literally bursts into life. The crystal-clear water in the pans teems with fish. Dragonflies, butterflies, reed frogs and other wildlife emerge. This attracts migrating birds and animals to the water and turns this dry land into a seasonal vibrant landscape.
The Park registered as a Vulture Safe Zone, recognising its progress to reinstate the Parks functional eco system.