Who we are
Zinave National Park (400,000 ha) is situated between areas featuring wet tropical lands and the dry lands and plays a critical role within the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Conservation Area (10 million ha), which has been described as one of the world´s greatest animal kingdoms.
The park has a very rich vegetation that includes 40 grass species and 200 tree species that include acacias, miombo, mopane forests and the ancestral baobab.
Zinave is located in Inhambane Province between latitudes 21º 25ˈ - 18' 90'' S and longitudes 33º 51'- 45.56'' E. The southern and western sections lie within the province of Gaza ; the Save river forms the northern the limit where it borders with the Coutada 4 and 5 hunting concession areas.
The park has a very rich vegetation that includes 40 grass species and 200 tree species that include acacias, miombo, mopane forests and the ancestral baobab.
Zinave is located in Inhambane Province between latitudes 21º 25ˈ - 18' 90'' S and longitudes 33º 51'- 45.56'' E. The southern and western sections lie within the province of Gaza ; the Save river forms the northern the limit where it borders with the Coutada 4 and 5 hunting concession areas.