What to see

Zinave National Park features typical African bush scenery and is known for large impressive trees with to date, over 200 tree species and more than 40 grass species having been documented.

The Park has over 200 tree species and 40 grass species. Animals to see include elephant, white rhino, black rhino, buffalo, leopard, lion, hyena, giraffe, zebra, wildebeest, Antelope (eland, sable, waterbuck, kudu, nyala, impala, oribi, grey duiker, red duiker, steenbuck, suni), hippo, crocodile, warthog, bush pig.

In 2019, sable were brought back to the park for the first time in many decades while in 2020 four hyena were reintroduced and in 2021 two leopard were reintroduced and lion naturally moved into the landscape from within the Great Limpopo Transfrontier landscape. Black and White Rhino, Eland and Lichtenstein’s hartebeest plan to be re-introduced in 2022/2023.

The bird life is prolific and insect diversity, especially butterflies are spectacular, particularly around pans and the Save River. Signs of the former hunting concession infrastructure are visible with well know visitors including the 1969 moon landing team.

The Park currently caters for self-drive tourism to explore the wildlife rich sanctuary and beautiful surrounding landscapes.

Species you can see

The big Five in the park




